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SonoTone Recommends

B3 Guitars

B3 Guitars

B3 Guitars uses SonoTone strings on many of their custom electric guitars, matched with the warm tone of SonoTone strings.
Cléroux Guitars

Cléroux Guitars

Every detail counts. Cléroux approaches each stage of the fabrication process with equal care and thoroughness. SonoTone strings does the same.
Marchione® Guitars

Marchione® Guitars

Custom Luthier, Stephen Raffaele Marchione, of Marchione® Guitars, says SonoTone Strings are the best strings he has used on his guitars, hands down.
RedSeven Amplification

RedSeven Amplification

SonoTone is the perfect partner to join in creating a truly symphonic sound.
Vaschenko Guitars

Vaschenko Guitars

Vaschenko lives and makes guitars in Belarus. Making guitars and reparing stringed instruments for 20 years, he uses SonoTone strings for their warm tone.
Whitfill Custom Guitars

Whitfill Custom Guitars

Whitfill Custom Guitars uses SonoTone strings on many of their works of art, amazing custom electric guitars, matched with the warm tone of SonoTone.
Xotic California

Xotic California

Xotic says, SonoTone strings have outstanding tone, playability, and durability to boot! Xotic makes outstanding Guitars, Basses, and Effects.
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